The content of a mv:match or mv:default element is a list of commands and data to control or add to the intermediate XML infoset. See Modes for more information and Writing Modular Vocabulary files for a general overview on writing and usig modular vocabularies. This page concentrates only on the basic commands. The full list of commands is given and documented in the modularvocab DTD.
These commands creat a root node of the intermediate infoset indicating whether to the DOM in memory represents a document, a document fragment or a dtd, respectively. mv:document takes attributes xmldecl="include" (to include <?xml version="..." ... >, anything else to omit it), version="..." (default "1.0") encoding="..." and standalone="...". mv:document-fragment and mv:dtd take these all these attributes except standalone.
The mv:element command adds an XML element to the current
infoset. There are two optional attributes: name="..." and
ns="..". Here, name
is the full qualified name of the
element. (The default value is the full qualified name of the
current token.) ns
is a namespace uri. The contents of the
mv:element command defines the contents of the element.
The mv:attribute command adds an attribute node to the current element. It also takes two optional attributes name="..." and ns="..", with the same meaning. The text value of the contents of the element is the value of the attribute.
These commands finish the current mode. The difference between the two is that mv:abort will resture the input token stream to the time just before the current token was read, so that it (or the characters it comprises of) may be re-read. Neither command takes attrubutes and both have no content.
This command takes a manditory attribute mode="..."
(which is interpolated). It calls
the mode with that name
which accepts and processes tokens until finished, when control
is returned to the point after mv:process-tokens.
The MV is a simple example MV file that reads a structured list of elements and outputs an XML document-fragment. It has two modes: main, to make the root mv:document-fragment node of the output; and elt,to make the child elements. It is run with the command gloss -mv, and on input
apple orange pear banana kumquat clementine satsuma lemon
it produces
<apple> <orange/> <pear/> <banana> <kumquat/> <clementine/> </banana> <satsuma/> </apple> <lemon/>
(Indentation of output added here for clarity.)
Mode "main" takes an empty punctuation string and can only run once because of the mv:return command. Mode "elts" is finished when a token not matching type "elt" is read or if the indentation of the token read wrong.
mv:process-tokens takes a complex range of attributes for fine control over the glossing process. These include:
These options are complex, but provide a lot of necessary control. For example, parameters="share" is useful to pass parameter values from a child mode to its parent. The notion of parent is used for boht indentation checking and the alternative method of passig parameter values, the mv:export-parameter command.
The MV is a modification
of to test the children
features available in MV files.
It defines element one to have at most one child normally,
two to have at most two children, any child one-more to be
in addition to the normal number of children, one-less to
reduce the normal number of children by 1, child at-most-one
to force the parent to have at most one child, and child two-left
to force the parent to have at most two children remaining.
It is run with the command gloss -mv, and on input
one two apple pear orange one one-more one-more kumquat two one-less banana peach two at-most-one pineapple two pineapple two-left grape quince strawberry
it produces
<one> <two> <apple/> <pear/> </two> </one> <orange/> <one> <one-more/> <one-more/> <kumquat/> </one> <two> <one-less/> </two> <banana/> <peach/> <two> <at-most-one/> </two> <pineapple/> <two> <pineapple/> <two-left/> <grape/> <quince/> </two> <strawberry/>
(Indentation of output added here for clarity, as before.)
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