The GLOSS-xml system, part 3

One of the objectives of GLOSS is that almost all well-formed XML should be authorable in GLOSS. This page covers some of the less-used features of XML, such as processing instructions.

1 Entity references

We have seen how characters like & and < are automatically escaped by GLOSS when entered as part of text. Sometimes you genuinely want to use a particular escaped form, such as &amp; or &#38; or &#x26;. These character (or entity) references can be achieved in gloss by just typing the reference outside text mode. Thus

  combination [blackberry]&amp;[apple]
  combination [lemon]&#38;[lime]
  combination [strawberries]&#x26;[blackpepper]



as you'd hope.

2 Processing instructions

These are generated just like comments with text content, but with a "pseudo element name" ?target rather that !. Thus

?myapp [text for my app but note that ?> is 
       illegal in XML PI's and will be escaped by gloss]
<?myapp text for my app but note that ?&gt; is 
       illegal in XML PI's and will be escaped by gloss?>


?latex [\\!]
<?latex \!?>

which might insert a backspace (\!) in a LaTeX output document from applications that recognise the ?latex instruction, a quite useful device sometimes.

3 XML declarations

XML declarations, of the form <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> could be generated as processing instructions using

?xml [version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"]

as the first line of a text input to gloss. This may be the only option for such a processing-instruction if gloss does not support the character encoding you are planning to use. (So in this scenario you'd generate a document in UTF-8 with a false XML and encoding declaration, and recode it to something else with another program.) However it is recommended that where possible xml declarations are generated in a different way via parameters in the MV file.

The relevant parameters are as follows (where "xml:" is an abbreviation for "{}" which might be defined with <mv:declare-prefix>).

Whether to include an XML declaration. Valid values are "include" or "omit".
The version number of XML, e.g. 1.0 or 1.1 (without quote marks).
The encoding to be used. The output file will be generated in this encoding, and the list of valid values is system dependent. UTF-8 and UTF-16 are supported.
The value for standalone: no or yes.
Whether to emit a BOM (byte order mark). This is manditory for some encodings, and optional for others. Sadly, it is in practice necessary for clients which don't read or act on the 'encoding="..."' part of the declaration. MS-IE is one of these clients that does not support XML in this regard, and a BOM is required for this browser to ensure it correctly identifies the encoding.

The file <glossdir>/lib/ is a variation on the standard <glossdir>/lib/ that generates files in UTF-8 with the xml declaration <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>.

4 DOCTYPE declarations

The standard GLOSS-xml MVs allow the pseudo-element !DOCTYPE to be present where a DOCTYPE declaration is allowed. This pseudo-element takes attributes of the form @system[URL] and @public[PUBLIC-ID] and its content is gloss-encoded DTD content. (See elsewhere for a discussion of GLOSS and DTDs.) Thus

edible fruits

will generate

<!DOCTYPE edible
    "" >

Note that the root element name is found automatically.

It is possible to re-define the xml:doctype mode so that a different DOCTYPE is generated automatically. The html and xhtml mv's do this for example.

5 Document fragments and DTDs

It may be required to use gloss to generate a document fragment rather than a document. A document fragment is an xml-like document that can be included in an XML document using one of the standard XML include mechanisms. So for example, a document fragment may contain more than one element at top level. To generate these just use <glossdir>/lib/

For example,

  latin[Malus pumila]
  latin[Pyrus communis]


<apple><latin>Malus pumila</latin><french>pomme</french></apple>
<pear><latin>Pyrus communis</latin><french>poire</french></pear>

Similarly GLOSS may be used to generate DTDs with <glossdir>/lib/ The GLOSS encoding and syntax for DTDs is similar to that for gloss itself except it heavily uses pseudo-elements starting with an !. This syntax will be discussed elsewhere.

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