
Interface Summary
Locator Interface for an object that can identify the document and/or position where an error or other event has occurred.
Logger A Logger object presents a "trace" of an execution, eg, for debugging.
MessageCallBack Interface providing a call-back mechanism for error-messages etc.
Tokenizer The Tokenizer interface represents an object that reads a stream of data and converts it into tokens.

Class Summary
Copy Class providing a command line utility to copy files listed in file "list" in directory args[0] to the directory of the file args[1], by default without clobbering existing files.
DocumentLocator Interface for an object that can identify the document and/or position where an error or other event has occurred.
DoubleLogger A Loger object presents a "log" of an execution, eg, for debugging.
ErrorHandler Class provided to deal with XML parsing errors and transformer reasonably helpfully, giving line and column number of file when a warning or error occurs.
ErrorMessages Interface providing a call-back mechanism for error-messages etc to be sent to the standard error stream.
Gloss Class providing static methods and a command line utility to gloss an input file against a modular vocab and write the XML output to an output file.
Glosser A glosser for this system is an binary object that represents a modular vocabulary, ie, it is able to read tokens from a token stream (a Tokenizer object) and create an XML document.
GlossExecution A glosser for this system is an binary object that represents a modular vocabulary, ie, it is able to read tokens from a token stream (a Tokenizer object) and create an XML document.
MCBLogger A Logger object presents a "log" of an execution, eg, for debugging.
Mode A mode is the main building block for modular vocabularies and the glossing operation.
ModeExecution A mode is a record of various data within the mv:mode tag.
NullLogger A Logger object presents a "log" of an execution, eg, for debugging.
NullMessages Interface providing a call-back mechanism for error-messages etc to be swallowed completely, a bit like /dev/null.
ParameterContainer Class to hold a collection of values of the form name="value", where name is a non-null key or parameter-name and value is a non-null string.
PrintStreamMessages Interface providing a call-back mechanism for error-messages etc to be sent to the standard error stream.
Resolver This class extends EntityResolver and provides a filter to determine which XML input files are local and from the GLOSS distribution and which are non-local.
StdOutMessages Interface providing a call-back mechanism for error-messages etc to be sent to the standard error stream.
StreamTokenizer The StreamTokenizer class represents an object that reads a stream of data and converts it into tokens.
SupportedEncodings Lists character encodings supported by the java runtime.
TestTokenizer This class provides a simple command-line test utility that reads tokens from a file and writes them to standard output.
Token A token is a unit of textual information from an input file.
TokenTokenizer A TokenTokenizer object is a Tokenizer that returns a single token first and then reverts to a previous tokenizer.
Transform Applies an XSLT transform to a file, using GLOSS's own resolver and error handler to generate the messages.
Validate Reads and validates an XML file, using GLOSS's own resolver and error handler to generate the messages.
XRNormalizer This is a class that checks and normalizes an XR document with xmlrepresentation mark-up.
XRPrinter This is the class representing objects that take a DOM with XR mark-up and prints xml to an output stream.

Exception Summary
GlossException Exception class for the gloss package.